[87-68] [67-48] [47-28] [27-8] [7-1]
I can offer ANERYTHRISTIC BRAZILIAN RAINBOW BOAS (EPICRATES CENCHRIA CENCHRIA) and 66% poss. hets for anery. CB 8/2008 from 100% heterozygous parents. They are in excellent condition and can eat without any help . Picture of parents and boa babies can be send to your email.
Price for 1,1 ANERY is 5000 Euro. Price for 1,1 66% poss. hets for anery is 500 Euro. Czech Republic
Elad 1 pr kb egy ves patknysikl. 80 cm krliek, jl esznek.
10.000 forint /pr
laciskate@gmail.com |
2008-as bbik:
-Leoprdgekkk (100% het. albino) (E. macularius) 3000 ft/db
-Vrs gabonasiklk (100% het. amel.) (P. guttatus) 3000 ft/db
-Svosfark siklk (O. taeniurus friesei) 5000 ft/db
-Floridai kirlysiklk (L. getulus floridana) 5000 ft/db
-Prri gabonasiklk (66% het. striped) (P. emoryi) 5000 ft/db
-Striped prri gabonasiklk (P. emoryi) megegyezs szerint
Csere rdekel:
-Thamnophis fajokra (adult, pr vagy tri, tenysztett llatok rdekelnek)
-Nerodia fasciata pictiventris nstnyekre (min. 60 cm)
-Leoprdgekkkra (csak nagyok s esetleg nvendkek rdekelnek, sznvltozatok elnyben)
-Nagy mennyisg takarmny egrre, vagy folyamatos (heti, ktheti) szlltssal kisebb adagokra.
Kpek s bvebb inf: Zsigerzacsy.gportal.hu |
_Keresek bkafajokat! (kivve nylmrgek s bufok)
ha valakinek van lgyszi jelezze a leopard92@citromail.hu-n kszi |
Elad egy 30-40cm kztt Lapropeltis Triangulum Campbelli "orange" hm!! r megeggyezs szerint!
Csere nem rdekel!!
red: msn: rothweiler8@msn.com, e-mail: rbb94@freemail.hu |
Hamarosan elvihet: 2008-as dszes mabuja(Mabuya perrottetti), 4000ft/db, tbb esetn kedvezmny.
rd.0620-346-13-27,vagy moharoslevente@gmail.com |
E. obsoleta obsoleta
E. guttata emory
E. taeniura tenyszpr (voltak tojsaik)
Tigrispiton (kb 1 mteres)
floridai vizisikl 60 cm-es pr
Az llatok nagyon ron alul elvihetk. Tel: 06303083523 |
Eladak idei kels leoprdgekkk a kvetkez sznvltozatokban:
Normal het. Bell Albino
High Yellow het. Bell Albino
Bell Albino het. Choko Albino
Choko Albino
rdekldni a leopard92@citromail.hu-n lehet
Elad madrpkok (2008.06.06.-n):
Acanthoscurria brocklehursti 5-6v 3000,- Ft/db
Acanthoscurria geniculata 3v. 700,- Ft/db
Acanthoscurria geniculata 4-5v. 1000,- Ft/db
Acanthoscurria juruenicola 8-9v. 5000,- Ft/db
Avicularia sp. amazonas ,,purple" 6v. 5000,- Ft/db
Avicularia metallica 1-2v. 1500,- Ft/db
Avicularia versicolor 2v. 1700,- Ft/db
Bonnetina rudloffi 7-8v. 6500,- Ft/db
Brachypelma albiceps (ex ruhnaui) (akci) 4v. 2500,- Ft
Brachypelma albiceps (ex ruhnaui) 8v. 8000,- Ft
Brachypelma annitha 3-4v. 5000,- Ft/db
Brachypelma boehmei 2-3v 1800,- Ft/db
Brachypelma emilia 3v 1500,- Ft
Brachypelma emilia 4v 1800,- Ft
Brachypelma emilia 5v 2200,- Ft
Brachypelma emilia 7-8v 4000,- Ft
Brachypelma epicureanum 5-6v. 2200,- Ft/db
Brachypelma klaasi 1v. 1000,- Ft/db
Brachypelma sabulosum 8-9v. 5000,- Ft/db
Brachypelma smithi 2-3v 1800,- Ft/db
Brachypelma smithi 4-5v 3000,- Ft/db
Brachypelma vagans 7-8v. 3500,- Ft/db
Brachypelma verdezi 5-6v. 3000.- Ft
Citharischius crawshayi 3v. 1800,- Ft/db
Citharischius crawshayi 6-7v. 3000,- Ft/db
Cromatopelma cyaneopubescens 6v. 4500,- Ft/db
Cromatopelma cyaneopubescens 7v. 5000,- Ft/db
Cyclosternum fasciatum 7-8v. 4000,- Ft
Cyriopagopus schioedtei 4-5v. 3500,- Ft/db
Cyriopagopus sp. blue (Lampropelma violaceopes) 7-8v. 11000,- Ft
Grammostola sp. formosa 7v. 6000,-Ft/db
Holothele incei 4v. 1600,-Ft/db (akci!)
Haplopelma hainanum 2-3v. 2500,- Ft/db
Haplopelma lividum 3-4v. 2800,- Ft/db
Haplopelma lividum 6-7v. 5000,- Ft/db
Lasiodora cristata 6-7v 2500,- Ft
Lasiodora parahybana 6-7v 3500,- Ft
Pamphobeteus sp. machalla 5-6v. 5000Ft
Poecilotheria fasciata 6v. 2800Ft/db (akci!)
Poecilotheria formosa 6-7v 5000,- Ft
Poecilotheria ornata 2v. 1400,- Ft/db
Poecilotheria rufilata 8-9 v. 7000 Ft
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 5v. 20000,- Ft/db
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 0.1 nstny 8-9v 6000,- Ft
Psalmopoeus irminia 2v. 1200,- Ft/db
Psalmopoeus irminia 7-8v. 6000,- Ft
Selenobrachys philippinus 6v 4000,- Ft
Theraphosa aphophysis 5-6 v. 17000,- Ft
Theraphosa blondi 3v. 14500,- Ft/db
Thrixopelma ockerti 6-7v 5000,- Ft/db
Pandinus imperator (SKORPI) 8-10cm 3500,- Ft/db
Avicularia sp. amazonas ,,purple" 0.1 adult nstny 13000,- Ft
Brachypelma albopilosum 0.1 adult nstny 4500,- Ft
Brachypelma boehmei (kb. 13cm) 0.1 adult nstny 13000,- Ft
Brachypelma smithi (kb. 12cm) 0.1 adult nstny 12000,- Ft
Brachypelma vagans 0.1 subadult nstny 5500,- Ft
Brachypelma verdezi 0.1 adult nstny 10000,- Ft
Citharischius crawshayi 16-18 cm 0.1 nstny 12000,- Ft
Nhandu carapoensis 9-10cm 0.1 nstny 5000,- Ft
Nhandu coloratovillosum 9-10v (10-11cm) 4500,- Ft
Keresek: Avicularia versicolor adult nstny!!!
Avicularia azuraklaasi adult nstny!!!
Brachypelma smithi frissen adult hm!!!
Ephebopus cyanognathus (kkfog) adult nstny
Ephebopus murinus (csontvzlb)
Theraphosa blondi
Elrhetsg: summerimi@freemail.hu, +36-70/2727351.
Az oldalt kiegsztettem tervezett t menponttal !!!
dv:Ny. Imre (Szeged) |
rmmel jelenthetem be, hogy megkezddtek a 2008-as Gabonasikl kelsek.
Eddig 8 bbi ltott napvilgot, rszletekrl termszetesen folyamatosan tjkozdhattok a www.fekoszserpent.gportal.hu oldalon.
fekoszserpent |
dv Mindenkinek!
Keresek Rhampoleon brevicaudatus trpekamleonokat, elssorban fit, de lny is rdekel!
Elek Ferenc
reset1@mailbox.hu |
Elad madrpkok (2008.05.04.-n):
Acanthoscurria brocklehursti 5-6v 3000,- Ft/db
Acanthoscurria geniculata 2v. 600,- Ft/db
Acanthoscurria geniculata 8v. (kb. 8-9cm) 4500,- Ft/db
Acanthoscurria geniculata 9v. (kb. 10-11cm) 5500,- Ft/db
Acanthoscurria juruenicola 8-9v. 5000,- Ft/db
Avicularia braunshauseni 5-6v. 4000,- Ft
Avicularia geroldi 4-5v 2600,- Ft/db
Avicularia sp. amazonas ,,purple" 5v. 4000,- Ft/db
Bonnetina rudloffi 6-7v. 6000,- Ft/db
Brachypelma albiceps (ex ruhnaui) (akci) 4v. 2500,- Ft
Brachypelma albiceps (ex ruhnaui) 8v. 8000,- Ft
Brachypelma annitha 3-4v. 5000,- Ft/db
Brachypelma auratum 7-8v 6000,- Ft/db
Brachypelma boehmei 2-3v 1800,- Ft/db
Brachypelma emilia 3v 1500,- Ft
Brachypelma emilia 5v 2200,- Ft
Brachypelma emilia 7-8v 4000,- Ft
Brachypelma epicureanum 4-5v. 1800,- Ft/db
Brachypelma sabulosum 8-9v. 5000,- Ft/db
Brachypelma smithi 2-3v 1800,- Ft/db
Brachypelma smithi 4-5v 3000,- Ft/db
Brachypelma vagans 7-8v. 3500,- Ft/db
Brachypelma verdezi 5-6v. 3000.- Ft
Citharischius crawshayi 3v. 1800,- Ft/db
Cromatopelma cyaneopubescens 5v. 3500,- Ft/db
Cyclosternum fasciatum 6-7v. 4000,- Ft
Cyriopagopus schioedtei 4-5v. 3500,- Ft/db
Cyriopagopus sp. blue (Lampropelma violaceopes) 1-2v. 4500,- Ft
Cyriopagopus sp. blue (Lampropelma violaceopes) 4-5v. 8000,- Ft
Cyriopagopus sp. blue (Lampropelma violaceopes) 7-8v. 11000,- Ft
Ephebopus cyanognathus 1-2v. 3500,- Ft/db
Grammostola aureostriata 6-7v 3000,- Ft
Grammostola sp. formosa 7v. 6000,-Ft/db
Holothele incei 4v. 1600,-Ft/db (akci!)
Lasiodora cristata 6-7v 2500,- Ft
Lasiodora parahybana 6-7v 3500,- Ft
Nhandu coloratovillosum 8-9v (10-11cm) 3500,- Ft
Pamphobeteus platyomma 2-3v. 3800,- Ft/db
Poecilotheria fasciata 6v. 2800Ft/db (akci!)
Poecilotheria formosa 6-7v 5000,- Ft
Poecilotheria miranda 1-2v. 6000,- Ft/db
Poecilotheria ornata 2v. 1400,- Ft/db
Poecilotheria rufilata 7-8 v. 5000 Ft
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 4v. 15000,- Ft/db
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 0.1 nstny 8-9v 6000,- Ft
Psalmopoeus irminia 2v. 1200,- Ft/db
Psalmopoeus irminia 6-7v. 4000,- Ft
Selenobrachys philippinus 6v 4000,- Ft
Theraphosa aphophysis 5-6 v. 17000,- Ft
Theraphosa blondi 2v. 11500,- Ft/db
Thrixopelma ockerti 5-6v 4300,- Ft/db
Avicularia sp. amazonas ,,purple" 0.1 adult nstny 13000,- Ft
Brachypelma vagans 0.1 subadult nstny 5500,- Ft
Brachypelma verdezi 0.1 adult nstny 10000,- Ft
Nhandu carapoensis 9-10cm 0.1 nstny 5000,- Ft
Keresek: Avicularia versicolor adult nstny!!!
Avicularia azuraklaasi adult nstny
Ephebopus cyanognathus (kkfog) adult nstny
Ephebopus murinus (csontvzlb)
Theraphosa blondi
Elrhetsg: summerimi@freemail.hu, +36-70/2727351.
Az oldalt kiegsztettem tervezett t menponttal !!!
dv:Ny. Imre (Szeged) |
Takarmnyegr s egyb hobbi llatok eladak!
rdekldni egsz nap lehet!
E-mail/Msn: ricanta@gmail.com
Telefon: 06 20 99 23 556
Web: www.ricanta.gportal.hu
Re HI all!
Nice Pics and very nice animals..
Jess & Jerome
www.reptilien.lu |
Hi, leider verstee ich nicht was hier steht :( aber trotzdem lieben Gruss :)
www.reptilien.lu |
bocsi leamaradt: e-mil: rbb94@freemail.hu
msn: rothweiler8@msn.com
tel: 0630/973-2055 |
Hy All!
Eladak az albbi pkok:
-Grammostola mollicoma (4v.) -3000Ft
-Heteroscodra maculata (1-2v.) -1000Ft
-Brachypelma smithi (6v.) -3500Ft
Mg mindig keresem az albbi teknsket (nem ingyen fizetek rte):
-nagyfej tekns
-sztyeppi tekns
-szeglyes tekns
Minden megolds rdekel!!! Csere is szba jhet ms teknsre.
dv |
Elad madrpkok (2008.03.10.-n):
Acanthoscurria geniculata 5-6v. 1800,- Ft/db
Acanthoscurria geniculata 8v. (8-9cm) 4500,- Ft/db
Acanthoscurria juruenicola 7-8v. 4000,- Ft/db
Avicularia braunshauseni 4-5v. 2600,- Ft
Avicularia braunshauseni 7-8v. 6000,- Ft
Avicularia geroldi 3-4v 2000,- Ft/db
Avicularia geroldi 8-9v 8000,- Ft/db
Avicularia sp. amazonas ,,purple" 3v. 2000,- Ft/db
Avicularia versicolor 1v 1600,- Ft/db
Avicularia versicolor (6-7cm) 8v 10000,- Ft/db
Bonnetina rudloffi 4-5v. 3000,- Ft/db
Brachypelma albiceps (ex ruhnaui) (akci) 2v. 1700,- Ft
Brachypelma albiceps (ex ruhnaui) 5v. 4000,- Ft
Brachypelma.albopilosum 6-7v 3000,- Ft/db
Brachypelma auratum 6v 3500,- Ft/db
Brachypelma epicureanum 3-4v. 1500,- Ft/db
Brachypelma klaasi 6v 4500,-Ft/db (sznes)
Brachypelma sabulosum 7-8v. 4000,- Ft/db
Brachypelma smithi 2-3 v. 1.800,- Ft/db
Brachypelma smithi 6-7v. (6-7cm) 4500,- Ft/db
Brachypelma vagans 7-8v. 3500,- Ft/db
Brachypelma verdezi 3-4vedls 2000.- Ft
Citharischius crawshayi 2v. 1800,- Ft/db
Citharischius crawshayi 6-7v. 4000,- Ft/db
Cromatopelma cyaneopubescens 3v. 2200,- Ft/db
Cyriopagopus schioedtei 3-4v. 2700,- Ft/db
Cyriopagopus sp. blue 3-4v. 7500,- Ft/db
Cyriopagopus sp. blue 5-6v. 11000,- Ft/db
Ephebopus rufescens 4v. 2800,-Ft
Ephebopus rufescens 8v. 7000,-Ft
Grammostola pulchra 2-3v.4500,- Ft
Grammostola sp. formosa 6v. 5000,-Ft/db
Haplopelma lividum 7v 5500,- Ft/db
Holothele incei 2v. 1000,-Ft/db (akci!)
Lasiodora parahybana 7-8v. 3000,- Ft
Megaphobema robustum 7-8v 7500,- Ft
Ornithoctonus aureotibialis 5-6v. 3500Ft/db
Pamphobeteus sp. machalla 6v. 5500-
Pamphobeteus cf vespertinum 3-4v 6500,- Ft
Poecilotheria fasciata 5v. 2300Ft/db (akci!)
Poecilotheria formosa 5-6v 4200,- Ft
Poecilotheria miranda 2-3 6000 Ft/db
Poecilotheria ornata 4v 2000,- Ft/db
Poecilotheria pederseni 7v. 4500,- Ft/db
Poecilotheria rufilata 6-7 v. 4000 Ft
Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 4v. 15000,- Ft/db
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 8-9v 6000,- Ft
Selenobrachys philippinus 5v 3500,- Ft
Theraphosa aphophysis 4-5 v. 13000,- Ft/db
Thrixopelma ockerti 4-5v 3800,- Ft/db
Xenesthis immanis 6-7v 21500,- Ft/db
Acanthoscurria insubtilis 8-9cm 0.1 nstny 4500,- Ft
Aphonopelma seemanni 1.0 adult hm 6000,- Ft
Avicularia sp. amazonas ,,purple" 0.1 adult nstny 13000,- Ft
Brachypelma vagans 0.1 subadult nstny 5500,- Ft
Brachypelma verdezi 0.1 adult nstny 10000,- Ft
Grammostola rosea RED 0.1 subnstny 4500.- Ft
Nhandu carapoensis 9-10cm 0.1 nstny 5000,- Ft
Poecilotheria ornata 0.1 subadult nstny 10000,- Ft
Psalmopoeus cambridgei 0.1 adult nstny 8000,- Ft
Keresek: Chromatopelma cyanopubescens adult nstny!!!
Ephebopus cyanognathus (kkfog) adult nstny
Ephebopus murinus (csontvzlb)
Theraphosa blondi
Elrhetsg: summerimi@freemail.hu, +36-70/2727351.
Az oldalt kiegsztettem tervezett t menponttal !!!
dv:Ny. Imre (Szeged) |
www.nemethtamas77.extra.hu |
[87-68] [67-48] [47-28] [27-8] [7-1]